This article addresses the need to create a thumbnail of a given website URL, in a backend context. To that end we'll be using nodeJS and puppeteer.
When I tried to do this, I actually had to install chrome manually. You might skip this step, but remember to come here later if something doesnt work.On the command line do:
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
Navigate to your project folder, and use node package manager to install puppeteer:
npm i puppeteer
Here is the code for this project, you can >vim sitethumb.js:
// ########################################################################
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
// ########################################################################
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// ########################################################################
let options = {
executablePath: '/usr/bin/chromium-browser'
puppeteer.launch(options).then(async browser => {
const page = await browser.newPage();
page.on('request', msg => console.log(msg.url));
await page.goto('http://thepage.com', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0'
await sleep(1000);
await page.screenshot({
path: './screenshot.png'
await browser.close();
}, e => {
Let's see what that code does. On line [3] we import the puppeteer package.
On line [6] we define the sleep function, using a promise trick, so we can wait for the site to render fully.
On lines [11-13] we define the options to pass onto puppeteer, and this is related to the problem I had where I needed to install chrome manually (see above). Due to that I pass the full path to chrome on the options. Make sure you pass the correct path in your code.
On line [15] puppeteer is launched, and on line (18) you can change the URL from http://thepage.com to whatever you require in your program.
After a pause of one second on line [23] we export a screenshot on line [26]. Here, also, you can change the name of the exported file to whatever you want.
Finally, we close the browser object, and the rest of this snippet deals with puppeteer errors.
This is my first article on the site but I still hope that you found it usefull.Leave your thoughts, corrections, additions in the comments below. Thank you.